Keyboard – CDE Music School



Graded Electronic Keyboard Course based on . The syllabus offers the choice and flexibility to allow students to play to their strengths, enabling them to gain recognition for their unique skills as performers. They learn how to do improvisation, chords and set up the keyboard.

Kursus Keyboard Elektronik Bertingkat berdasarkan. Silabus menawarkan pilihan dan fleksibilitas
untuk memungkinkan siswa bermain dengan kekuatan mereka, memungkinkan mereka untuk mendapatkan
pengakuan atas keterampilan unik mereka sebagai pemain. Mereka belajar cara melakukan improvisasi,
chord, dan mengatur keyboard.
Syllabus* Lesson Duration Course Duration
Initial - Grade 8 30 minutes (individual) 12 months

Assessments & Examinations